La Statale for Expo

“La Statale for Expo” is a rich programme of activities and events selected by our University to mark the Expo 2015 event. The different proposals represent the variety of scientific and cultural research at the University of Milan.

As well as being the year of the Universal Exposition, 2015 also marks the 750th anniversary of the birth of Dante Alighieri, one of the most famous Italians in the world. Hence a series of events has been arranged to not only celebrate but also spread knowledge of the poet and his current presence in the arts.

“Language Piazza” is another humanities-related manifestation, dedicated to food and cooking-related words as vehicles for diffusing the image of Italy, and as evidence of the encounters that take place between different languages.

“Fascination of Plants Day” valorizes the scientific competences and the structure of Brera’s Botanical Gardens and Città Studi, which belong to La Statale. The international fascination of Plants day is celebrated around the world once every two years. The Agricultural scientists and all those passionate about plants will open their institutions, laboratories and gardens to show how important plant science is not only for the environment, but also for science in general, the economy, healthcare and society.

2015 also marks thirty years since the 1985 exhibitions dedicated to the Etruscans. The specific research and teaching-related competences fostered by our University’s teaching staff and experts are celebrated in a life-size reproduction of an Etruscan tomb, which can be visited both physically and virtually, through a series of multi-media installations.

Another prestigious event will be the exhibition “Nature and Myth from Greece to Pompeii” at the Palazzo Reale from 30th July 2015 to 10th January 2016 – the result of cooperation between the Universities of Milan and Salerno and the Archaeological Department of Naples, promoters of the exhibition alongside the Municipality of Milan and the Special Department for Pompeii.

In this exhibition, about 200 masterpieces illustrating the classical world – dating back to ancient Greece, Magna Graecia, Rome and Pompeii – reveal the roots of our civilization, closely related to and inspired – also from a cultural and social viewpoint – by the natural world and the environment.

The other events range from historical investigations into agriculture and experimentation with food between the past and present, to the thematization of water resources and bioenergy, from sustainable food production to practices for combatting food poverty. The programme of “La Statale for Expo” is full of things to discover!